People are following a diet and exercise program but I still get asked the question, “how can I burn belly fat?” quite often. So, today I’m going to share with you 5 ways to fight belly fat that could take your exercise and nutrition program from good to great.

We have to let you in on a few belly fat secrets. Most people who start an exercise and diet program want to lose belly fat. Most people who start an exercise and diet program want to lose belly fat.
Even if they are following a program people still ask, “How can I lose belly fat?”
De-Stress for Less Belly Fat
Believe it or not, stress is a silent killer! When you’re stressed your body produces excess cortisol which encourages your body to store extra fat…especially around the waistline (called visceral fat).
Make sure you’re following a balanced diet and workout plan, getting enough sleep, and taking some time to yourself each day as a good start to reducing your stress levels.
Try HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)
Long slow cardio is not the answer to burning stubborn belly fat! As a matter of fact, not only is long slow cardio inefficient, but studies have even shown that it is known to burn valuable muscle tissue from your body which could destroy your progress.
Try HIIT Cardio instead! Studies show that HIIT cardio burns up to 3 times more calories than long slow cardio workouts. Where do I sign up? HIIT Cardio workouts alternate between high-intensity and low-intensity activity for specific periods of time.
On your favorite cardio machine:
45 seconds low intensity
15 seconds high intensity
Repeat for 10-20 minutes depending on your fitness level (just make sure to include a good warm up & cool down to prevent injury)
Choose the Right Types of Protein, Carbs, & Fats
80% of your results come from the quality of the food you eat. So make sure you eat the RIGHT TYPES of protein, carbs, and fats. Choose lean sources of meat over fatty sources. Choose complex carbs over sugary carbs.
And choose unsaturated fats over-saturated. The quality of the food you eat directly influences the results you’ll see from your fat loss efforts, so be sure to choose wisely.
Stimulate Your Metabolism with Green Tea or Total Control
Let’s face it…we all wish our metabolism was a bit faster, right? Well, the good news is there are a couple of easy ways to gently stimulate your metabolism. Certain types of tea, like green tea, are a great way to gently stimulate your metabolism.
We also have a specific blend of tea extracts in a tablet form called Total Control which is a little bit more of a convenient way to get the metabolism-boosting benefits of tea. Click here to learn more about Total Control.
Stay Accountable
Even if you know the right way to eat, workout, and live a healthy lifestyle, willpower alone is not enough. To avoid this situation, surround yourself with other people who have similar goals and will keep you accountable!
Interested in more customized help? DEFINITELY contact me about a customized program. We remove all of the guesswork for you and make it our mission to see you reach your goals. Forever!
Call or email today, and let’s get you started on the membership that’s best for you!
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