Maybe you wake up with a relatively flat stomach but suddenly find that you get really bloated as the day goes on. Or maybe you’re just bloated from the moment you get up and you can’t remember the last time your stomach looked flat?

It’s easy to point to holiday excesses as a reason for belly bloat but wait a minute; there are ways to beat belly bloat. Whatever your situation may be, belly bloat is NO Bueno! Not only can it kick self-confidence and body image right in the can.
But it makes wearing your favorite jeans a not-so-favorite thing to do. Yoga pants, anyone? And forget about the sideways view in the mirror. Here’s some good news, though!
You CAN beat belly bloat with a few simple daily changes! You can get back in control and get rid of that puffy tummy for good.
That’s Music to Your Belly, Right?
I am super excited to introduce the “Beat the Bloat Challenge” where you will discover some easy ways you can say goodbye to a puffy tummy and beat belly bloat once and for all!
Delivered directly into your email inbox, this five-day challenge teaches you how to eliminate bloating. We discuss a different idea each day, and by the end of the five days, you will understand some of the factors that cause bloating and will jump-start your way to beating it for good!
Join us in the Beat the Bloat Challenge. Better yet, join us with a friend! Register Here. Share on social media using the #NSBloatChallenge hashtag, and we will enter your name into a drawing for a FREE NewStart Jumpstart Kit each time you share on social about the challenge.
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