Did you roll into 2019 all full of best intentions believing this will be your best new year yet? Or maybe, you were a little more reserved, wondering what on earth could possibly make THIS, of all year, the best new year yet?

Perhaps, you are one of those who waits until all the hype and hysteria has settled down and will thoughtfully ponder
Life-changing, mind-altering, and fundamental ways to make this the best new year yet. Whatever your posture, have no fear. I’ve had a few people ask me if I had ONLY THREE THINGS to incorporate into my daily life to make this the most epic new year, what would they be?
I pondered, and it came to this short, powerful, life-changing list.
Gratitude In The New Year
I’ve said it before. And I stand by it here, and a MUST-DO for the best new year yet. Create a daily gratitude practice, STAT. Your choice: a daily 5-minute brain dump of all the things you are grateful for. Or 3 or 5 or 7 or 10 things you are grateful for.
Pick your favorite number, perhaps. Do it once a day, or twice a day. Morning, noon, or night. Write your gratitude points in a journal, a 5-subject notebook, or on post-its. No matter.
Just do it and begin to see the magic of getting outside your circumstances long enough to put other things in your line of focus. Gratitude amplifies the good and deflates the distractions from the good.
Want to experience a life-altering shift in the new year? Daily Gratitude.
Drink A Meal Replacement Shake Daily
My normal mantra is “Drink a shake every day for breakfast.” But even I can loosen my grip on this habit in the new year. Why? Because I know that the average person needs a little leeway here. Some just won’t want to do breakfast. No matter.
What matters most is that some complete, healthy nutrition
There’s no shaming or judgment here. Even I do a crummy job on my nutrition now and again! But here’s the thing: my go-to meal replacement shake delivers 50% of my daily nutritional needs in less than 200 calories.
Giving me plenty of room for all kinds of other foods. And if I have this shake within 30 minutes of waking up…well, my metabolism is set for the day, and I’m a powerhouse! You can be too. So make this a guaranteed habit for the new year.
Hydration Hydration Hydration
I’m a broken record on this front, I know. Knowing your water factor, and then drinking the right amount of water is essential to having healthy, happy cells. When we drink the right amount of water every day, we flush toxins from our bodies, aid healthy organ function, reduce fine lines and wrinkles in our skin (the body’s largest organ!), and have a myriad of other benefits.
In fact! You might even lose weight. Why? Because your brain reads thirst and hunger as the same impulse. So if you think you’re hungry, you might just be thirsty. True story. Learn how to calculate your water factor here, and then get yourself a favorite water bottle, and set your body up for success!
You’ll be amazed at what will happen to your body when you stay hydrated!
You Can Do This Best New Year Thing
Honestly, just break it down into these 3 easy steps and you can change your life so profoundly. If you want daily motivation and encouragement, join our NewStart Insiders Group! We’d love to have you!
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