The holidays can be a tough time of the year. There are gifts to buy, budgets to keep, and diets to keep on track. Finding gifts gets easier every year with all of the sales that keep popping up like black Friday, cyber Monday, and now green Monday. Those sales also help with budgeting. Of course, a little planning helps as well. But there seems to be no hope for a healthy diet. We all have to put in the work to keep our weight where we want it throughout the holiday season. Luckily, there are plenty of holiday weight management tips that could help you succeed.

The best holiday weight management tips won’t help you find the best gifts but they will help you stay on track with your diet.
Portion Control
The holidays bring holiday meals that are delicious and plentiful. You might make a chicken breast for dinner on any given day. However, meals get bigger during the holidays. This is because we usually have more people to feed which puts more food in front of you. That is why portion control is very important. You can try to find suggested servings but there is an easier way. Just use a smaller plate. The smaller the plate the smaller your servings.
Snack Less
There are plenty of big meals that are headed your way during the holidays. That is why one of the best holiday weight management tips is to snack less. You don’t have to try every holiday cookie that is put in front of you. The problem is the holiday cookie, it is the ease of access. There are so many different snacks available during this season. It is best to avoid snacking as much as possible. You could also just monitor your snacking habits.
Sleep More
We are all running around trying to make holiday magic for our family and friends. Then, we have work, school, appointments, the list of things to do goes on and on. You might think that with all of that running around we would be more tired. You would also be right but we deprive ourselves of that precious sleep. Holiday sleep is important for your health and weight management. You should make sure you get enough sleep every night to regulate your body’s natural functions.
Control the Meal
There are many holiday weight management tips you can use to help with holiday weight management. But the best thing you can do is control the food you eat. There are so many different healthy holiday recipes you can use. These recipes are tasty, reminiscent of classic holiday recipes, and healthy. You should still control your portions and snack less. But you should also eat as healthy as possible.
Weight Checks
You can weigh yourself every single day during the holiday season. This will remind you about what you’re working towards. Some people like to weigh themselves every morning, others prefer every night. The schedule doesn’t matter, just as often as possible. There have been some studies that suggest that weighing yourself consistently is a good motivator for weight loss. It is even better during the holidays.
Partner in Health
Holiday weight management tips can help you stay on track with your diet. But it is always a good idea to use the buddy system. A buddy can help scold you when you slip and praise you when you succeed. Find someone who is trying to do the same thing or someone you know will be truthful. That will ensure that they actually help you with your holiday weight gain or loss.
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