New Year’s resolutions come with every new year. Resolutions come in many different shapes and sizes and what you choose is often based on your own personal experiences. People often fail because most people make their resolutions last minute or unrealistic. A resolution is in no way mandatory, you will not be thrown in jail for failing to meet your own resolution. However, you will obviously want to succeed if you are attempting to make a resolution at all. That is why New Years resolution tips can be very important.

These New Years resolution tips will help you not only pick a good resolution but help you find success in the things you want to change.
Planning is Important
One of the biggest mistakes people make is choosing a resolution at the last minute. That means your resolution will most likely be based on how you’re feeling at that particular time. You may choose something you’ve always wanted to do but you won’t be prepared to follow through. Pick your resolution as far in advance as possible. This will give you time to prepare and allow you to put some actual thought behind your resolution.
Not a Dreamer
Being a dreamer means you are optimistic and open to many ideas and that is wonderful. However, real-life needs a bit of realism as well. Be realistic with your resolution to ensure that it is something you can actually do. An example would be resolving to never do something again. Instead, your resolution could be to avoid that thing much more often. We are creatures of habit and changing our habits takes time. You can ease your way away from something and by the end of the year, you might actually be able to avoid that thing altogether.
Plan Again
The most important of all the New Years resolution tips is to put together a game plan. We will use removing a certain food out of your diet as an example. You should formulate a plan to ensure that you can avoid that food and what to do if a craving hits. Maybe you plan to call a friend when that craving hits or maybe you want to practice self-control. The important thing is that you plan for every scenario possible.
New Years Resolution Tips | Tell Others Your Resolution
The people in our lives often don’t have a problem with telling you that you are wrong or when you mess up. That is why it is important to tell your friends and family about your resolutions. These people can support you through the process, become part of your game plan, and call you out if you start to slip. Try and find another family member or friend who also has a resolution in mind. Together, you could help each other stay motivated.
Keep Track
Another one of the most important New Years resolution tips is to track your progress. You could use a bullet journal or an app, just keep track of what you can. You can create short-term goals that are easier to attain. Each short-term goal can get you one step closer to the overall goal of your resolution. You could try and avoid that one food for one week, then try for two weeks, and three weeks and so on. Each week avoided is a short-term goal reached.
Reward Those Goals
Another great idea is to reward your goals, no matter how small. However, it is important that you don’t fail your resolution as a reward. Instead, you can pick something else as a reward, something you enjoy just as much as the food. Sticking with the food example, you could reward yourself with a night out with friends or a new outfit. Rewards are good so long as they don’t throw you off balance.
New Years Resolution Tips | One Day at a Time
The idea of one day at a time is not a new one, it is a successful one though. How it works is simple, you should not be down on yourself if you slip up. You should see that day as a failure and plan to do better the next day. Did you know that experts say it takes about 3 weeks or 21 days for a new thing to become a habit? By that logic, it should take you 21 days of not eating that food for it to become a habit to avoid it. That’s not to say you should work hard for 21 days and then let nature take over. However, it does mean that things should get easier after 21 days.
Too Difficult
Another very important tip out of all of the New Years resolution tips is to adapt. Your resolution is your resolution, you have full control over this plan. That also means that you can change it or adapt it as you see fit. That’s not to say you should avoid a challenge but you want to succeed and adaptation is a way to do it. For example, if making it a whole week without that food is too difficult, try for 4 days without it first. Make it through the four days and then try for 5, then 6, and so on. You can do whatever you need to in order to set yourself up for success rather than failure.
You Have a Year
The thing about a New Years resolution is that it is a yearly goal. That means you have an entire year to make this change. Maybe you failed horribly in January, while that is not the goal it is okay. But you don’t need to completely give up on your resolution. Instead, start again in February. This is one of the best New Years resolution tips because it allows space for hope. You have not failed your resolution until you have given up on it completely.
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