All of our NewStart Nutrition Healthy Meal Combos begin with a shot of aloe. Most first-timers are totally hesitant about said aloe shot asking, “Will it be bitter?”, “Is it going to be chunky/goopy/slimy?”, “Is it safe to drink?”, “Aloe? Hmmmmmm….”
Rest assured aloe shots are AMAZING! If you home remedies for digestive issues, heartburn, acid reflux, and more aloe will help take all of that away. If you don’t have those issues, awesome! Aloe will also help you absorb your nutrition. It’s beautiful.
Magic of Aloe Shots
What’s the magic of Aloe? It’s the organic nutrients and enzymes found in the aloe juice extracted from the aloe plant. So, think about when you get a burn, or sunburn, or cut. How many times have you put aloe on it to soothe the burn and pain, and help the healing? EXACTLY. That’s what it does on our insides too!
Aloe at NewStart Nutrition
Our aloe comes in three refreshing and yummy flavors: Mango, Cranberry, and Mandarin Orange. All nutritionally equivalent, it’s easy to have a bottle of each for variety.
The aloe comes in a concentrate that you just mix with water. It is very easy to add to your water bottle, your morning smoothie, or make up a pitcher to have at the ready in the fridge for easy sipping all day long.
Our dream is for everyone to have at least one shot of aloe every day. But with all these amazing benefits (and none of the unwelcome effects of other kinds of shots) there’s no need to stop at one!
In fact, you can find exactly what you need right here at NewStart Nutrition in San Juan Capistrano. Stop into Newstart Nutrition to try your aloe shot first-hand. Or shop online here. Either way, we’ve got you covered!
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