Alarm goes off, you hit the snooze button and repeat until it’s almost an emergency, and you MUST get up. Now you’re late, grab a coffee, stagger out of the door, skip breakfast and start your day feeling rushed? This is not the way to start your day with purpose.
Or perhaps you begin your day scrolling through emails and social media before you even get out of bed, so your mind is distracted from the get-go. Not to mention the inevitable feeling of missing out, lack, or discontent with your life after comparing yourself to the curated social media updates of the morning.
There are some simple things you can do to start your day with purpose calmly, mindfully, and before you reach for your cell phone.
Breathe Mindfully And Connect To Your Inner Self
Before you get out of bed, before you even open your eyes, take a few moments to focus on your breathing and connect deeply to your inner self. Take three long deep breaths through your nose, gently and slowly breathing out through your mouth.
Then return your breath to its normal pattern, noticing the breath and the rise and fall of your chest and belly as you breathe.
Bring To Mind Your Intention For The Day
The best way to begin your day with purpose is with intention. How do you want to feel? What state of mind will support you best? How will you choose to connect with others?
Resolve to check in with your intention during the day and adjust your mindset and behavior accordingly. What impact do you want to have in the world today? How can you take the best care of yourself as you go about your daily business?
Set a simple intention for how you want to be in your day. Make it a positive, straightforward statement. I can be as simple as “Today I want to be kind to myself and others” or “Today I will stay calm and grounded.”
Make it appropriate for where you’re at and what you have to do. Starting your day with purpose doesn’t happen by accident. It happens on purpose!
You know you need to drink more water. Make it easier on yourself by starting the day with a big glass of water, before coffee, before breakfast, and before exercise. Your body is parched when you wake up. Set yourself up for success!
You can keep a water glass or bottle on your night table so you can start the day as you mean to go on – well hydrated! Follow your first glass with another before you have your coffee. Make your second glass an Ayurvedic drink of warm water with lemon.
That is a traditional way of giving you a boost of Vitamin C, detoxing, and stimulating your metabolism. Why hydration? It gives you energy, it feeds the cells, it nourishes the skin, and the very act of this simple yet important habit can be a cornerstone of starting your day on purpose.
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