We are all familiar with the idea of detoxing for weight loss. We focus on eating the right things or working out to get results. But have you ever considered detoxing your life? Sounds great, but you may need some tips to detox your life to get started.

Tips to Detox Your Life | House Plants
The best tips to detox your life will help you live a happier, healthier, and fuller life in similar ways to detox your body. We can start small with something that is easy to do but will make a significant impact.
You can add house plants to every room in your home. You don’t need to build an indoor garden or anything like that. However, placing a few live plants in your home can help detox the air you breathe at home.
The plants will take in the carbon dioxide and other harmful chemicals in the air. The result will be a better-smelling home with natural style in every room.
Chemical Products
Speaking of chemicals…let’s get rid of those. Another one of the best tips to detox your life is to stop buying chemicals you don’t immediately recognize. We use a lot of chemicals to help us clean our homes, which is a good thing.
But there are other ways to clean our homes that won’t introduce harmful chemicals into our lives. Look for organic cleaners, stuff with an ingredients list you can fully understand. This will help keep things cleaner than ever for your home and you.
Emotional Detox
Detoxing our lives is not easy; in fact, it can be very emotional. But you can detox your emotions, too; you just need to be prepared to do the work. First, take literal notes on what has made you feel bad each day so you can isolate things to cut out of your life.
The next step is to reduce stress and take more “you” time. Schedule more breaks, allow for holes in your schedule, and use those holes in time to focus on you. There is no way to get rid of the negatives in life; they are necessary for the positives to shine even brighter.
But that doesn’t mean you need a lot of negative, all of the time.
Tech Down
Another one of the more difficult tips to detox your life is all about tech. Technology has made its way into almost every aspect of our lives, from the moment we wake up to when we fall asleep.
Some people even use tech while they sleep with things like sleep monitors or white noise machines. Tech makes life easier in many ways, but it can also be a stressor for many of us.
Schedule some paleo-time in your day. Paleo-time is when you shut off all tech and just do whatever you want so long as tech is not involved. That will open you up to healthy hobbies, activities, and so much more.
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Have you heard the one about the husband who asks his wife what she wants for dinner? This is a joke that works because we all have been there. Decisions can be significant stressors for some and even more so for others.
We face decisions every single day, multiple times a day. But making those decisions can be stressful, and we want happier weeks. Move as many decisions as you can do a single day a week or a month and free up mental and emotional space in your life.
You can pick a day to plan your meals, schedule your workouts, and even your outfits for the month.
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