By saying affirmations aloud, we literally speak what we intend for ourselves into existence. Use this affirmation, or our entire series actually, to create new and positive lifestyle habits. Begin by saying out loud:

Speaking your words out loud is a meaningful component to creating new positive and healthy lifestyle habits.
Willpower Is A Limited Resource, Making Healthy Habits So Powerful
I know that creating new and healthy habits is the fastest and surest path to changing my life for the better.
Just as brushing my teeth is free from the need for willpower, my new positive and healthy habits will also be easy to perform each day on autopilot. I have the power to control my behavior and my destiny. New, positive habits are easy for me to create and sustain.
I Create New Routines Based On The Goals I Wish To Achieve
Choosing the right routines makes my goals a reality. I understand that positive behaviors performed over and over bring the results I desire.
My negative habits are obstacles to achieving my most important goals. I am able to release myself from my unhealthy habits. New, helpful habits are taking their place. I am stronger with each negative habit I release and each new positive habit I add.
The Quality Of My Life Is Determined By The Quality Of My Habits
I am aware of my lifestyle habits, both positive and negative. I work on implementing high quality, positive habits each day.
Today, I Am Moving Closer To The Life Of My Dreams Through My Healthy Habits
I am free of the need to perform my negative habits any longer. I impress myself with the degree of control I have over my behavior.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Which of my current habits is most counter to my goals?
- What new positive habits would benefit me to add to my life?
- What exactly do I expect to gain from each of those new healthy habits?
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