Mondays are the days when we could use a little help getting through. We come fresh from a weekend of doing what we want. Then, we’re thrust into a filled schedule. Monday motivation quotes to add exercise to your week are essential.

Monday workouts might be the worst ones because most of us have rested over the weekend, and that is why we need Monday motivation quotes. What does your workout schedule look like?
Most people will say they work out Monday through Friday and then rest on the weekends. That rest is essential for our health, but it also puts our bodies in a rest mode. Then there is the first workout after a weekend of rest.
This workout can either go swimmingly well because you’re fully rested or not. Some people find the first workout after a rest-filled weekend struggle. But it is not the work itself that is difficult; it is the mentality.
Mental strength is just as important as physical strength. Why is that? Well, have you ever been at work on a long day and just thought about the fact that you had a workout coming your way?
Sometimes, we just think to ourselves, “well, maybe I can skip this one today.” But the worst workouts you have are the ones you skip. So we use Monday motivation quotes to help fight that feeling.
To inspire us to keep going because our health is more important than anything on this planet.
You don’t find yourself; you build yourself.
It is important to remember that your healthy lifestyle was not something you were born into. People often like to bring genetics into fitness, and sure, that’s part of it. But putting in the work will help you get the results. Genetics or otherwise.
Later = Never. Do it now.
Ultimately, getting off track is one of the worst things you can do, especially if you’re struggling to complete todays. Procrastination is why we need our Monday motivation quotes.
We tell ourselves we can skip today’s workout and make up for it next weekend, or maybe not at all.
I am stronger than my excuses.
The human mind is a beautiful and wondrous thing. We can use our minds to think up an excuse that makes sense. You’ve got dinner to cook, and you’ve got extra work to do, you worked later than usual; all excuses. Drop what you’re doing and do your workout.
You earn your body.
We see people with bodies they love to show off, and a tinge of jealousy overcomes us. But they weren’t born like that; they worked for it. Either they dieted adequately throughout their lives, or they worked out.
Either way, you can have that body too. You just need to put in the work.
Today is a great day to get back on track.
Monday motivation quotes can help you get through your first workout of the week. That workout will help put you back on track for the rest of the week. The results will show those efforts. That is the ultimate goal, to just stay on track all week long.
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